Lee jack - Fair Way

Lee Jack


Resolution Practitioner
  • Family
  • Bay of Plenty | Te Moana a Toi

Lee is a family law expert based in Tauranga with 26 years of experience.

Lee started her own firm in 2005 to focus on her areas of expertise, relationship property and child law.

Lee has been appointed as a lawyer for child since 2003 which has involved facilitating countless round table meetings using mediation principles. Lee also represents parents and caregivers in resolving disputes about the care of children.

Lee’s compassionate approach and practical solutions have assisted many families successfully navigate what is often a very challenging time in their lives.

Lee believes that mediation can be an excellent way to aid families through these challenges whilst ensuring each party has a chance to voice their wishes, and ultimately allowing parties to make their own decisions about what is the best solution for them and their families.