Disagreements are normal and conflict happens. When it does, Fair Way is here to help resolve conflict and restore relationships.
Your people
Helping people in workplace conflict move forward
That’s what we do. It’s even in our name – ‘kia tau’ means ‘to settle, to resolve, to calm’.
We all spend a good portion of our lives at work, so workplace conflict can threaten how we live our lives, and it can threaten our livelihoods. Workplace conflict is usually involved with challenging dynamics between co-workers, who feel upset about something the other has or hasn’t done. This can cause issues at work and even outside of work.
Like any dispute, workplace conflict is best dealt with early and proactively. If so, conflict can even result in improved wellbeing, engagement and productivity.
It’s in everyone’s interests to deal with workplace conflict as soon as possible so it doesn’t escalate into a dispute. At Fair Way, we can help.
Over 35% of employees in small organisations and 25% in larger ones (50+ staff) identified relationships at work as a main cause of their work-related stress and anxiety.
Workplace Wellness Report 2019
We’re the impartial and independent experts in engaging people in conflict to find a resolution in a mana-enhancing way. We empower others to learn and grow from their conflict experiences, collaborating to find agreed solutions. We ensure organisations build the capacity and skills to handle conflict and prevent future conflict.
Fair Way’s team of accredited conflict management professionals use best-practice dispute resolution techniques and are specialists in workplace matters. Our Workplace Services are centred on mahi tahi – working together, collaborating, cooperating – which are the foundations for any successful team.
We’d love to work with you, so if you’d like to find out more about our Workplace Services, please get in touch.