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  • Fair Way Kōrero - Sept 2023

    Tē tōia, tē haumatia - Nothing can be achieved without a plan, workforce and way of doing things. Nau mai, haere mai! Welcome to our ACC Services Kōrero September edition.
  • Lawyers take note

    From 16 August 2023, family lawyers will need to be familiar with their new legislative obligation. The introduction of the Family Court (Supporting Children in Court) Legislation Act 2021 (“the Act”) has been a while in the making, but it is a game changer.
  • Fair Way Kōrero - June 2023

    It's been a busy few months for the Fair Way ACC Services team. A particular highlight was our long-awaited Team Hui held over 2 days in March. Read on to hear how it went from team members Frances and Barb. The time spent together was invaluable not just for relationship building, but also for exploring how we can consistently create the best customer experience.
  • Raising grandchildren – is the law supportive enough?

    I recently read an article about a retired grandfather who was struggling to navigate “the system” and secure financial support to care for his grandchild. The child’s father was placed in police custody on a raft of charges and his mother had died five years prior. It caused me  to reflect on some of the cases that I had been involved with as a family lawyer representing grandparents, many of whom walked a very hard road to have the Court legally recognise their relationship with their grandchildren.
  • Changeover challenges

    When parents decide to part ways, it is the start of a major transformation to family life as they once knew it. Amidst all the emotion that occurs when a relationship ends, creating interim arrangements takes up a lot of energy and focus. Once these immediate decisions have been made, the next phase shifts the focus to navigating the new normal and this can also be quite a challenge for parents.
  • Where to begin with dividing relationship property?

    Where to begin with dividing relationship property? This is the second instalment in Fair Way’s new Separation Series, focusing on the experiences and challenges families face during separation. 
  • What if … Lessons to be learned

    On the 25th of April each year, New Zealanders and Australians commemorate the sacrifices their ancestors made on the shores of Gallipoli in 1915 for the first time as “ANZACs” (Australian & New Zealand Army Corps), as well as remembering those involved in subsequent conflicts thereafter.
  • Fair Way Kōrero - March 2023

    Nau mai haere mai, welcome to the first edition of Kōrero, our new quarterly newsletter, which is designed to keep you informed about what's going on in Fair Way's ACC service. As the whakataukī above emphasises, it is the people who are of the most importance to us, the people in our team, the people who we assist, and the people like yourselves that we work with closely every day.